When it comes to buying phone cards, a little bit of research could mean the difference between saving a little bit of money to saving a lot of money. Most phone card companies have cards that are loaded with fees. They also have cards that don't have any fees. Take a guess about which ones the companies are hoping you would buy. If you guessed the cards with fees then you are 100% right.
Phone cards with fees are the big money makers for these companies. Fees drain the value of the card faster so you have to buy another one sooner. Take for example a phone card with a .99¢ weekly maintenance fee. Let's say you have a $10 phone card and you only used it a few times. A month or so passes by and you use the same card again. In shock you find out that your card has zero value. What just happened? Well even though you used the card only a few times, as weeks pass .99¢ was being deducted from the remaining value of the card until the balance reaches zero.
And that's not the worst of it. There are still other fees that can drain the value of your phone card like a leak at a dam. There are some phone cards such as one called STI Muchacho that will deduct 38% of the total cost of a call after you disconnect. Now that's just plain outrageous.
Now I don't want to completely put you off from buying phone cards. Most big businesses charge fees in one form or another. Look at banks who charge you fees for using a competitors ATMs or credit cards that charge outrageous interest rates. In as simple terms as possible, its just business.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And the solution is very simple but overlooked. All phone card companies have cards that come with or without fees. Most people are attracted to the phone cards with the lowest call per minute rates. These cards contain the most fees. You should choose the phone card that have no fees. These cards cost a slightly higher, sometimes just a penny more. But these fee free phone cards are overlooked because shoppers are instinctively attracted to lower cost per minute rates.
So now you know which types of phone cards you should keep an eye out for and which to avoid. All phone card companies on the Internet have their fees fully disclosed usually by clicking a link. Just spend a few minutes reading the phone card's details. It's the surefire way to go for saving money when you buy phone cards.